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A-A Apple
B-B Bal
C-C Cat
D-D Dog 
E-E Elephant
F-F Fish

This is the Phonics Song, it goes like this
The name of the letters are ABC
The Sounds of the letters are ABC

G-G Gorilla
H-H Hat
I-I Iglo
J-J Jacket
K-K Kangaroo
L-L Lion

Let's do the Phonics Song one more time
The name of the letters are EFG
The Sounds of the letters are EFG

M-M Monkey
N-N Nose
O-O Octopus
P-P Pig
Q-Q Question
R-R Ring

This is the Phonics Song, get reday to sing
The name of the letters are NOP
The Sounds of the letters are NOP

S-S Sun
T-T Tigre 
U_U Umbrella
V_V Violin
W-W Watch
X-X Fox

This is the Phonics Song, are you ready to rock
The name of the letters are RST
The Sounds of the letters are RST

The name of the letters are XYZ
The Sounds of the letters are XYZ

Y-Y Yellow
Z-Z Zebra

And that is the end of the Phonics Song

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